Post-tribbers don't seem to have picked up in the fact that if the acquisition of all the faithful receiving their glorified bodies immediately before the Millennial Kingdom, both dead and alive, there would no nobody left to have babies in the Millennium, and to grow the nations in population, for we are told that we will be as the angels of Heaven, neither marrying nor given in marriage, and without marriage, there won't be children with Christ on the throne of David.
It's also utterly irrational and anti-biblical to claim that the Lord will put His own body through the torture of His own wrath. His body has already gone through the torture of having taken upon Himself the penalty for our sins, and then to go through that again after He said, "It is FINISHED!"
What part do those people not understand about what He said? The wrath begins at the opening of the very first seal. For those few to claim that the four horsemen are not His wrath, when a fourth of the world's population will be wiped out at their's not business as usual when an entire fourth of the world's population is wiped out under the hooves of just those four horsemen. Good grief, how dense does a thought process have to be to not see such an obvious reality?
8 Billion X 0.25 = 2 Billion (meaning that 2 Billion have perished)
6 Billion X 0.333333 = 2 Billion
See that? Just as many will die in the second half, the GREAT tribulation as will die in the first half, and the first half isn't a measure of His wrath? I would have to crawl up out from under a very large, dark rock to not see the obvious in all that.
4 Billion is one-half of 8 Billion...right?
Hope this math lesson opens some eyes and peels away the scales of falsehoods in the eschatology some of you have been taught by your false teaching pastors and teachers and favorite authors.
This also applies to the mid and pre-wrath gangs. The math opposes your falsehoods.