It is a bumpy ride
Thank you, friend in the risen Jesus given you to express the truth you just expressed to me to see clearer than have, yet have it even deeper now, How high, wide and deep is this forgiveness, reconciliation, wow?
Isaiah 6:1-7
I, see me in court. The prosecutor is Evil. That literally takes anything I have done or might do and takes that to God, the Judge of all, not only me does evil do that to, it is To stop anyone, including me from entering God's courts with thanksgiving and praise (Psalms 100:4) over what is done for us all by Son on that cross. What is done? (Psalms 103:12) How far is the east from the west? it seems there is no end , to me I see that at least in thanksgiving and praise to God. so as said, I am in Court, I say thank you to God the Judge of all. Then I ask how to say no to unrighteousness? God replies trust me in my risen Son of you. It is not of work(s), it is of the done work(s) of my son for you.
Thank you, friend in the risen Jesus given you to express the truth you just expressed to me to see clearer than have, yet have it even deeper now, How high, wide and deep is this forgiveness, reconciliation, wow?
Isaiah 6:1-7
I, see me in court. The prosecutor is Evil. That literally takes anything I have done or might do and takes that to God, the Judge of all, not only me does evil do that to, it is To stop anyone, including me from entering God's courts with thanksgiving and praise (Psalms 100:4) over what is done for us all by Son on that cross. What is done? (Psalms 103:12) How far is the east from the west? it seems there is no end , to me I see that at least in thanksgiving and praise to God. so as said, I am in Court, I say thank you to God the Judge of all. Then I ask how to say no to unrighteousness? God replies trust me in my risen Son of you. It is not of work(s), it is of the done work(s) of my son for you.
He set the example by having the Word become flesh. John 1:14
Problem is?
He has only given us a few good teachers. (James 3:1)
Yet, many wish to claim they are the few. (2 Timothy 4:3)
His ways are not our ways. (Isaiah 55:8)
So when we read for ourselves?
We can settle too easily for our ways, and then seek like minded believers to bond with for reassurance.
“Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road
that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate
and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.
“Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing,
but inwardly they are ferocious wolves." Matthew 7:13-15
Jesus came to give us life more abundantly.
John 10:10
The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy;
I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.
The way that leads to life is under pressure and strict in application......
Until the life is found, leading to a peace and capacity for life the world can not know.
Sad to report. Few find it. Jesus said so.
That is why we need to run the race this way...
Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize?
Run in such a way as to get the prize. 1 Cor 9:24
Each one of us should be running as if we are the only one who will get the prize.
Believe me. When its over there will be more than one.
But, that's the mental attitude we need to keep having because many things will be coming against us trying to keep us from making right choices.
It all comes down to one thing. Our relationship with Jesus Christ by means of walking in the Spirit as to be led into finding more and more truth to live in and live by.
grace and peace ............
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