Show me one FreeMason whose God is YHWH?
George Washington, FreeMason, is a prime example.
Research FreeMason and discover that degrees 33-37 are designated for witchcraft, the most powerful, and Satan.
They use a lot of Biblical Symbols but take some real time and research them.
Those, the Freemasons, are the real Fathers of the United States of America.
George Washington, FreeMason, is a prime example.
Research FreeMason and discover that degrees 33-37 are designated for witchcraft, the most powerful, and Satan.
They use a lot of Biblical Symbols but take some real time and research them.
Those, the Freemasons, are the real Fathers of the United States of America.
I believe America is really England and their sneaky way of getting their agenda out by America for the people would not trust England because they were going forth pushing for power so they would use America to get their agenda out in the world.
I believe the government ordered the rebellion because England wanted to change the world to an occult world instead of pushing Christianity which could of been the renaissance period that gave them a different outlook on reality.
Some people say we don’t try to suggest that nominalism was “under God”…it was aversion to the truth that already was known and taught, as I’d argue the Renaissance was.
Secularism was part of the renaissance because it exhibited itself in the development of humanism, when people began to show more interest in human cultural achievements and the possibilities of their fulfillment in this world.
In the renaissance, the church lost a lot of its power and there was more individualism.
But then the humanism gave way to more and more people going by the idea of humanism and not religious.
I believe England wanted to change the world to reflect the reality of humanism and stray away from religion and focus on it is about people more and they caused the rebellion in America so that they could use America to accomplish this purpose and to throw the world off guard that this is actually England that was trying to accomplish this.
And then when evolution started becoming popular they eventually started interpreting the Bible according to the occult and evolution, and people are still evolving to be spiritual, and Jesus is an ascended master, and there is no personal God, and the New Age Christ is the final teacher.
Which is the new age movement today which further humanism to add to their belief that is is about human endeavors not religion.
And so America with religious diversity and ethnic diversity would try to influence all religions and ethnic groups to be on board with this humanism that is slowly becoming more and more about people.
And try to convince the religions that all paths lead to God and then to eventually persuade them over to the new age movement that interpret all religions that they are evolving to be spiritual and godlike and there is no personal God.
Which they say the universe has a conscience and Alice Bailey wrote a book called The Consciousness of the Atom which she is the biggest prophet of the new age movement.
They believe they are doing the will of nature by establishing the new age movement in the world.
Which they believe the next evolutionary step will happen in the United States in the 21st century and spread to the world.
They do not believe the New Age Christ will cause them to evolve and have peace until the nations come together as one to work for peace on Earth.
Which they are working on a one world government and one world religious system.
The new age movement had a hand in the 1960's counter culture movement to get them away from the 1950's attitude.
Now they are ready to put them back together for they are ripe for the picking.
Which they have to put all people equal and make them feel accepting of each other and being accepted.
They have to knock down the white people and boost the black people, minorities.
They have to knock down the men and boost the women.
They have to knock down the religious, mainly Christian, and boost the atheist.
They have to knock down the heterosexual and boost the homosexual.
Which they push homosexuality in society for population reduction and to undermine Christianity.
They say no fat shaming and portray them as beautiful.
If you want to defeat your enemy you side with them and then change them slowly.
Like playing a song on a piano and the people say it is truth.
And then you change one note and let it play for a while and the people say it is truth.
And then change one note and let is play for a while and the people say it is truth.
Until it is a whole new song and the people say it is truth.
I believe the forefathers were of the occult and did not care for religion which would explain their cruelty and money hungry ways for they were not really displaying Christian ways.
I will say this is a theory for I do not really know but the new age movement is real and they are influencing to convince people that they are still evolving and there is no personal God.
And they will influence more as time goes on as they believe the next evolutionary step will happen in the United States first in the 21st century and that next evolutionary step is the new age movement to become enlightened to evolve along with the New Age Christ.
But it makes sense from the Renaissance period to the forefathers embracing secular humanism and only going along with Christianity because that is the only way they could get the nation to start and they had to have a nation of Christians so they could slowly change Christianity in its nation and spread to the world.
And when evolution came out since they were secular humanists they wanted to believe they are still evolving adding more to their secular humanist ways.
Like I said I will say it is a theory but the new age movement will influence America more as time goes on because they believe that is the next evolutionary step in the evolving of the human race.
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