Paul said (through the Holy Ghost)
1 Cr 5:13 But them that are without God judgeth.
Therefore put away from among yourselves that wicked person.
He did not say that wicked person was a someone that was without but of a someone that was within (this person being among themselves). Paul called him that wicked person (presently fornicating) which is according to the unrepentant state of the man doing the same alongside of 1 Cr 5:11 (that which is called a brother) they were told to put away that wicked person from among themselves.
Nowadays they might want to get rid of whoever adresses wickedness but at least there we see Paul call such a man among them "that wicked person" who was a fornicator ( called a brother) who was within, who Paul told in 1 Cr 5:11 not to even eat with such a one, even a railer (which is actually more common among them) and in the same sentence being adressed by Paul as "that wicked person".
The wicked were among his own people back then, but even so it is now as Paul showed
Jerm 5:26 For among my people are found wicked men: they lay wait, as he that setteth snares;they set a trap, they catch men.
Just as there were false prophets (then) even so now (2 Peter 2:1). Just as he that persecuted the one born of the promise (then, as shown in Isaac Gal 4:29) Paul said, even so, now.
Just as in the last days there would be false accusers 2 Ti 3:3 despisers of them that are good.
And all of this in places unable to endure sound doctrine, which happens in and among the religious sphere of things.
Mockers who follow their own lusts and those that heap up teachers after their own lusts. Its pretty clear that self denial will not be popular with such (and among such) in the last of days.