To Linda70
Dear Linda
Greetings to you in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior,
I would urge you to ignore those who disagree with venom on their tongues
you will notice that in every thread that has Israel as its topic, there are
some here that are mandated to derail the thread with posts that are filled
with hatred and malice toward anything that is contrary to their belief on
the subject of Israel. Not only will they pout their malice with pride, but they will
fill the thread with articles that, to be honest, appear to have been scavenged from
the garbage cans of theologians of whom they follow.
It fills me with sadness as these people who claim to be filled with The Holy Spirit spew
out nothing but attacks and bitterness yet claim to yield the fruit of love that we read about
in the very Scriptures that they themselves have in their possession.
I myself have fallen to their skillful ways of invoking ones anger and have asked God for
forgiveness. They will stop at nothing to get you to respond in a manner likened to their way
and then they will claim victory.
I encourage you to continue in your belief as testing it with The Word Of God, I for one
credit you as rightfully dividing the Word. What is written is written and no matter what
those say contrary to it, does not matter as God will ALWAYS have the last say.
What a day of rejoicing it is going to be when Israel comes to the full knowledge of Jesus Christ!
just as it is written..amen!
May you be blessed in your golden years with happiness and filled with
His love