You are reaching for an accusation, the accusation that I have inferred or stated you or anyone must observe the day of worship on the Seventh Day.
My OP has nothing to do with instructing others to do as I do. Nor do I expect others to tell me to do as they do in this regard.
It is not a shame not to know. Jesus Christ declared the Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath in reference to doing good on the Sabbath. If people construe this as meaning He has changed the Seventh day into the first day of the week, this would be the product of simple ignorance.
Read adn learn what Jesus Christ teaches about the law and the Sabbath. Also read and learn the laws as we are to practice them since the first advent of Jesus Christ. Anyone saying the law is abolished simply because it no longer has power over us is mistaken, for the law is just as valid now as it was at the time of Adam. This too will probably set your head spinning an d you will muster otehrs who know nothing of the OT to say there was not law at the time of Adam. I would expect no less.
The law is for the lawless indeed, but those who truly know grace have the true law established by faith in their inward parts, inscripted on their hearts.
If being a Jew has anything at all to do with the origin of the name, Judah, then all who believe Jesus Christ would be praisers of Yah, Jews. I am not ashamed of the origin of my Savior, Jesus, Who, by the way is King of the Jews, my King. Are you ashamed of Abraham? I should hope you are not.
Knowing our Hebrew origins can only lend to the wisdom and understanding of our faith, the faith of Abraham. That faith is the same faith given to each of us who believe Jesus Christ.... Abraham is our spiritual forefather......yes, he is.
If you think this is being Judaized, well, perhaps it is in the most positive sense of the word, but it is a far cry from being Hellenized. Rembmer it is the Jew first and then the Greek. If you knew what this means you probably would not be arguing with the first person who believes we are to obey the law just as did out Lord, Jesus Christ.......
JaumeJ Jesus Christ was born a Jew. He kept the Jewish Law so did his Jewish Disciples. There is not one verse in the NT that says that None Jews are to keep the Sabbath. Jesus came to fulfill the law. He did by his sacrifice. I am not in bondage to the Law. If you want to worship on the Sabbath Day fine go ahead but dont try to impose it on others. Do you keep the festivals? Do you mix wool with cotton? How about kosher food? All these are Laws you need to keep if you obey the law . As I said there are 613 Laws to keep. Good Luck