Do you think the survey actually singled out Pentecostals when mainline Protestants and Catholics performed evenpoorer?
No. I understand that there was quite a few things said about America in general and then also about evangelicals.
I know something about Pentecostals from 40 years of involvement in the Pentecostal Charismatic movement and I know that 60% would not say that they believe that they can earn their salvation by doing good works. Therefore I reject any such claim.
My guess is that if the survey quoted was done in a scientific way it did not produce such a statistic but it is being used by someone who is misquoting it or putting a spin on it.
Otherwise I would suspect that the survey was not a scientific one.
I would guess that most Americans don't even think they need salvation so how to earn it is not important to them.
I would guess that asking people in an evangelical main line denomination like Baptists, Methodist, Presbyterian, Lutheran etc.
"Do you think you can earn salvation through good works" you are likely to get a very high percentage who say Yes, but not if you ask this same question to Pentecostal churches.
The reason I think that is because I suspect that 80% of those attending a mainline denomination on Sunday are not really saved nor do they know much about how to answer theological questions.
I believe that about 80% of those attending a Pentecostal church are born again and living their faith and know at least enough to answer No to such a question.
Now that is my theory and I would have to perform my own survey or hire some people to start asking questions as people exit their churches on Sunday Morning and after collecting data from 4000 churches and several times that number of people we could take a look at the results and see what we come up with.