It is interesting (should be noted) that the reason(s) for believing works may be (or is) part of salvation is likely vastly different for the different "groups" they listed. The first example given was one of loose values, as if some generally nice actions are probably all it takes and Jesus is optional. And then there was a listing of the groups. (Subtle implication being that these groups are soft and easily persuaded by the world).
I have no doubt that some of the groups' reasonings are far from being because they are easily pushed around.
For example, Jesus said if a person hears (believes) his sayings but doesn't DO them.... That person will be like someone building a house on sand that stands until the storm comes...then what they built gets destroyed. The person that DID ("works" you say?) did not suffer the loss of what he built. It's hard to get around those verses without realizing there must be some "doing" involved. Those things may be called "works" by some. I particularly don't care what people call being obedient to the teachings of Jesus. I just know it's safe to follow him "works and all".
The key is "works of faith" not "works of the law".
Faith requires appropriate action(s) or bad things result. What good is it to notice someone is freezing if you don't give them shelter? Notice that those on the left hand (during judgement) were told that God had a need and they
did nothing to fix it. (Spoiler alert: it ends poorly for them). Those on the right hand were told that God had a need and they did something to fix it. (It ends well for them

) ASK, knock, seek, pray, follow, take up your cross, etc, etc, are all calls to action... doing..."work"-ing (if you want to call it that). The harvest truly is plenteous,... but the
laborers are few. The servant (chosen one, person who called the master "lord") that was cast out into outer darkness was one that was accounted worthy of gifts and trust...but did nothing with it...and it ended very poorly for him. Those that went to WORK were fine... and greatly rewarded.
One last thing I'll say on that. Jesus said "Straight is the gate
and narrow is the way that leads to life, and few there be that find it". You may
think you are safe because you believe you have entered the
gate of salvation through belief in Jesus... But even if you did actually get that part right you still have a
way (a path that must be walked) to figure out for the rest of your life on earth.... if you want to enter into HIS life. And do you think you can do that without changing your "works" from what you started with? (I'm pretty sure you know you
can't keep the same works you started with). What you'll then have to do is figure out "How can there be 'works' required without violating faith? And what would these 'works' actually be?" And remember that Jesus said "and FEW there be that find it".
It's no wonder there is a commandment to "work out your own salvation with fear and trembling". (
Philipians 2:12)
Love in Jesus,