After thinking on this, I've decided that I've focused on the wrong thing. Although I do believe that the Sabbath is important, the most important thing is that Jesus died for us, and that if we accept Him then we have salvation. I do apologize for putting such an emphasis on the Sabbath; although I do believe that it is important, it's not my job to force it down people's throats, and I fear that that's what I've been doing. Rather, I should've focused on sharing the love that God has for us all. I'm sorry if I have offended anyone or have seemed to condemn their religious beliefs. I'm a firm believer that the closer we get to God and the better our relationship with Him gets, the easier it will be for us to see the truth. Whether you believe in the Sabbath or not, I shouldn't have judged anyone for that so I apologize. I know when to admit that I'm in the wrong. I hope you all can forgive me and accept my apology. I do of course still believe in the Sabbath, and I will proudly say that I am a Seventh-day Adventist. I don't understand why people believe that we are a cult; I will admit that we do have a tendency to put an overemphasis on the Sabbath at times, but we go to church the same as you. We have Sabbath school and sing hymns and listen to preachings. We have potlucks and we have programs. We believe in God and we believe that He's coming soon. I understand that our doctrines are much different than others, but so were Jesus's teachings when He came to Earth. People thought that He was blasphemous and that He was disregarding the law. Little did they know that He would die to save all of them. I'm not saying that this is the exact same situation, but I will say that we shouldn't jump to conclusions on things just because they are unfamiliar to us, myself included, because I know I've done the same at times. Our doctrines are not the things that will save us, but our faith and trust in God will. No I do not believe that salvation is by works but faith alone, and no I am not contradicting myself because works coincide with faith. If I say that I have faith in you that if I jump you'll catch me, but when you ask me to jump I don't jump, do I really have faith in you? No, I don't, because if I did I would have jumped and had faith that you would catch me. No Adventist has said "you can't go to heaven unless you work for it." None that I know of.
We are all Christ believers, no matter what denominations we come from. Even if we have doctrinal differences, let us still show love and respect to each other, myself included, and remember that we are all one in Christ. I trust that He will lead usto the truth. Again, my point right now is not to say "I'm right and you're wrong." I am only trying to apologize for the rudeness that I may have conveyed and for upsetting anyone. I ask that you please forgive me, and I'm sorry for not conveying the love of Christ that I've talked about so often. With God's help, I plan to do better. Peace and love to you all, brothers and sisters. May God bless you and your families, and I pray that His love will prevail. Amen.
We are all Christ believers, no matter what denominations we come from. Even if we have doctrinal differences, let us still show love and respect to each other, myself included, and remember that we are all one in Christ. I trust that He will lead usto the truth. Again, my point right now is not to say "I'm right and you're wrong." I am only trying to apologize for the rudeness that I may have conveyed and for upsetting anyone. I ask that you please forgive me, and I'm sorry for not conveying the love of Christ that I've talked about so often. With God's help, I plan to do better. Peace and love to you all, brothers and sisters. May God bless you and your families, and I pray that His love will prevail. Amen.
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