posthuman said:
John 5:24 mentions His word and belief and God here declares that those things together produce eternal life & salvation from judgement.
not H2O, but Christ.
if the Bible taught H2O baptism saved we should evangelize not with the gospel and the scripture but by walking around with squirt guns & buckets.
that is not the case.
Christ baptized no one with H2O. He did that on purpose; He is omniscient God. He baptizes with fire and with spirit.
It speaks to the truth of the baptism of the Holy Spirit, not water baptism.
Of course. One must put their trust in who He is and what He has done on our behalf.
No, specifically, belief is trusting in what He did to save you. No one knows "everything He said while here on earth". Not even yourself.
One MUST believe what Jesus said about salvation. That's saving faith.
Did you read the rest of ch 1? v.1-2 refer to Jesus giving the Great Commission directly (face to face) to the 11 apostles.
I've already given you a long list of verses from Acts about people getting saved with no mention of being water baptized.
I've already been over Acts 2:38 so you have no case with that verse. 22:16 is Paul's account of what Ananias told him after he saw Jesus on the road to Damascus. Paul had already realized by the time Ananias visited him that Jesus was the Messiah. So what Ananias told Paul to do had NOTHING to do with getting saved. He was already saved.
8:12-18 is about a city in Samaria and Simon the sorcerer. Yes, they all got water baptized when they believed. They were identifying themselves with Christ as a RITUAL. Did you read all the verses. None had received the baptism of the Holy Spirit yet. Not until the apostles laid their hands on them. Nothing about water baptism being necessary for salvation.
10:44-48 doesn't help you either. This is the case of Cornelius. They received the Holy Spirit (baptism) BEFORE water baptism. And 11:15-17 clearly explains the baptism by which they were saved.
Regarding 19:1-6, here are v.5,6-
5 On hearing this, they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus.
6 When Paul placed his hands on them, the Holy Spirit came on them, and they spoke in tongues and prophesied.
I believe the 2 verses are speaking of the same thing. But they were already SAVED before meeting Paul. Because they were described as "disciples".
What you obviously fail to realize is that you can't defend your position on water baptism. It is a command for believers, those already saved.
Water saves no one. And the Bible gives us 2 very clear examples of water KILLING lots of people. Noah and the Red Sea.
I don't reject Jesus or His words. I reject your misunderstanding of His words.
You seem unable to distinguish between the baptism of the Holy Spirit and water baptism, even though Scripture is clear about them being different.
Mark 1:8 - I (John) baptize you with water, but he (Jesus) will baptize you with the Holy Spirit.”
Until or unless you are able to figure this out, you will never understand the biblical teaching about baptism.