They have lied to you then.
It definately is a salvation issue to them. here is how they do it if you ask them if sabbath keeping is a requirement to salvation:
"Oh no (smile) we are saved by grace through faith
-"Oh ok, thats what I believe too"
-"But if you dont keep God's commandments, are you really, TRULY saved? And we know that the sabbath is one of God's commandments. And God's word is forever"
So it all comes down to keeping the sabbath, you wont make it into heaven if you dont keep the sabbath, you will lose your salvation if you keep doing it.
It definately is a salvation issue to them. here is how they do it if you ask them if sabbath keeping is a requirement to salvation:
"Oh no (smile) we are saved by grace through faith
-"Oh ok, thats what I believe too"
-"But if you dont keep God's commandments, are you really, TRULY saved? And we know that the sabbath is one of God's commandments. And God's word is forever"
So it all comes down to keeping the sabbath, you wont make it into heaven if you dont keep the sabbath, you will lose your salvation if you keep doing it.
A lot of members on this site bash different types of denominations, especially Catholic and SDA but are unwilling to state publicly what their own church affiliation is, if any.
I have been quite open in numerous posts in discussing what churches I have attended, perceived flaws in such churches along with that which I believe to spiritually sound. It would be most refreshing to have other members state what church they attend, and what practices and doctrines they may agree or disagree with. Of course, please be advised that if a member choses to discuss openly about what church they attend they will certainly leave themselves vulnerable to attack and ridicule.
As I have stated previously, more than once, I don't believe that there is a single church that is spiritually sound in all aspects of their practice and doctrine. We are all human after all working out our salvation in fear and trembling as stated by Paul in scripture. In the bible in the first chapter of the book of Isaiah God says, "Come now, and let us reason together...line upon line, precept upon precept. A little here, a little there."
Based on my 4 1/2 years as a member of this site I would say that there is very little of that in the BDF. For the part I may have played in sowing seeds of discord I humbly apologize and with the grace of God strive to do better in the future.
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