Yes, most Bible believing Seventh-day Adventists teach that the end time mark of the beast is in fact placed upon those who worship on Sunday instead of Saturday.
In order to fully understand why they (including I teach that) we have to realize that when Satan makes a counterfeit (in this case a counterfeit mark, the mar of the beast) God has a true mark or sign. We have to find out what this is.
"12 Moreover I also gave them My Sabbaths, to be a sign between them and Me, that they might know that I am the Lord who sanctifies them." - Ezekiel 20:12
"17 It is a sign between Me and the children of Israel forever; for in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, and on the seventh day He rested and was refreshed." - Exodus 31:17
In these texts, God is saying that He gave us His Sabbath as a sign of His power to create and His power to sanctify (convert and save) us. In the Bible, the words seal, sign, mark, and token are used interchangeably. God’s sign, the Sabbath, represents His holy power to rule as Creator and Savior. Revelation 7:1–3 says it will be written upon the foreheads (minds—Hebrews 10:16) of His people. It will signify that they are owned by Him and have His character. True Sabbath keeping signifies that a person has surrendered his life to Jesus Christ and is willing to follow wherever Jesus leads. Since, God's original mark involves a holy day, it is quite possible that Satan's counterfeit mark involves a holy day.
In Daniel 7:25 when describing the antichrist, God said that he would seek to change times and laws. Satan's counterfeit is the counterfeit Sabbath, Sunday.
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In order to fully understand why they (including I teach that) we have to realize that when Satan makes a counterfeit (in this case a counterfeit mark, the mar of the beast) God has a true mark or sign. We have to find out what this is.
"12 Moreover I also gave them My Sabbaths, to be a sign between them and Me, that they might know that I am the Lord who sanctifies them." - Ezekiel 20:12
"17 It is a sign between Me and the children of Israel forever; for in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, and on the seventh day He rested and was refreshed." - Exodus 31:17
In these texts, God is saying that He gave us His Sabbath as a sign of His power to create and His power to sanctify (convert and save) us. In the Bible, the words seal, sign, mark, and token are used interchangeably. God’s sign, the Sabbath, represents His holy power to rule as Creator and Savior. Revelation 7:1–3 says it will be written upon the foreheads (minds—Hebrews 10:16) of His people. It will signify that they are owned by Him and have His character. True Sabbath keeping signifies that a person has surrendered his life to Jesus Christ and is willing to follow wherever Jesus leads. Since, God's original mark involves a holy day, it is quite possible that Satan's counterfeit mark involves a holy day.
In Daniel 7:25 when describing the antichrist, God said that he would seek to change times and laws. Satan's counterfeit is the counterfeit Sabbath, Sunday.
For more information you can visit the link:
or you can email me at: [email protected]
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