So if you are not under the Law, does that mean you are in lawelessness?
Lawlessness is being without the law. But the law is for the lawless. Being under is the works of the law without faith. If vain faith kicks the law out on purpose, then one is under its condemnation. This truth is inescapable. If true faith is established, so is the law established in the heart of the faithful.
Excerpts taken from the book “Delegation of Authority Order from God to Christians.”
Man faces unlimited liability; his sins have temporal and eternal consequences, and he cannot at any point escape God.
If we could look anywhere and not be confronted with the revelation of God, then we could not sin in the Biblical sense of the term. (Romans 4:15) Nevertheless, sin is the breaking of the “law of God.” (1 John 3:4) God confronts us everywhere. God cannot confront us anywhere unless He confronts us everywhere. God is ONE! His law is ONE! If we could press a button so we didn't need to hear God's voice, we would always press the same button over and over again. Our button of self consciousness cannot be pushed without hearing the requirement of God.
Those who desire to reverse this say God is liable if He doesn't meet one's expectations. They say that their own experience pronounces that they are saved without any liability, and the magic formula is “I accept Jesus Christ as my personal Lord and Savior” then the mind of man transfers almost all liability to Christ and can believe any way they desire without almost any liability. The truth is that God cannot be accepted if His sovereignty, His law, and His word are denied.
This distorted form of Christianity seems to have begun around 144 AD with “Marcionism” theology. The distortion of the law (by the tactics of the adversary) was first tried through the hypocritical Pharisees doctrine during Jesus' day. That didn't work, so why not just get rid of it altogether and accomplish the same results? Marcion's teachings departed from traditional Christianity in a number of ways. Most dramatically, perhaps, Marcion rejected the idea that the Old Testament God and the New Testament God were the same being. Up until then, the traditional Church had considered the Old Testament to be sacred and assumed that Christianity was a fulfillment or continuation of Judaism. Today, anti law people resort to name calling such as Judaizer and legalizer and have in actuality adopted most of this Marcion philosophy. Marcion's rejection of that idea affected many different doctrines and beliefs.
Some will quote Ephesians 2:8-9 and say that being saved is not of works but of faith alone. Believe it or not, to deny the law is to accept a works religion, because it means denying God's sovereignty and assuming man's existence in independence of God's total law and government. (Think about what the philosophy of “separation of church and state” has done in the United States. It certainly has not assisted in righteousness, but just the opposite. It's in our face!) In a world where God functions only to remove the liability of hell, and no righteous law governs man, we work our own way through life by our own conscience. We then are saved by our own work of faith, of accepting Christ, not by Christ's sovereign acceptance of us. Christ said “Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you.” Christ in such a faith, serves as an insurance agent, as a guarantee against liabilities, not as sovereign Lord. This is paganism in Christ's name.
The world is a battlefield, and there are casualties and wounds in battle, but the battle is the Lord's and its end is victory. To attempt an escape from the battle is to flee from the liabilities of warfare against sinful men ending up by inadvertently declaring war against an angry God. To face the battle is to suffer the penalties of man's wrath and the blessings of God's grace and law.