Ok I have a serious question. I personally believe in the gifts of the spirit, yes even speaking in tongues as qualified by the text of scripture.
Where are the texts that support "holy laughter", " drunk in the spirit", body convulsions, and running wildly around the church building?
Where are the texts that support "holy laughter", " drunk in the spirit", body convulsions, and running wildly around the church building?
But as an outsider to U.S. America I can't help but believe that religion in America trends towards the strange and peculiar.
From your Mormons and Jehovah Witnesses, the Waco tragedy, your many cults and sects, false Christs gathering disciples around
themselves in closed communities, the constant reinventing of Christian doctrine, worship reduced to praise music …
Pretty well all that is out of order in charismatic churches I am sure start in the U.S.A. except for the whacky Toronto blessing nonsense.
BUT not all is lost; there are still faithful Pentecostal churches that abide in the word of God and follow obediently the
scriptures and instructions on orderly worship and walking with the Lord.
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