could you guys please pray for me? This place has the spirit of depression on me right now and I can't shake it.. I'm sooo sad right now..

This place pulls people apart more than it builds us up..and that's the truth.. in fact, I need to rant right now..if you dont like it, tough, plug your ears..
I am sad that good people come here and get driven off by the contention and hate in this forum. Both newbies AND regulars. I'm tired of being happy.. tired of PRETENDING to be happy.. tired of laughing and smiling and hiding the fact that I'm sad as he** that alot of my friends have left and are leaving.. some days I wish I'd never found this site, because there's so much hate and contention on here.. it permeates from the BAF to all the other forums.. everybody trying to prove a point, and why theirs is right and everyone else is wrong.. who frickin' cares?! Agree to disagree and move on for goodness sake!! But nooooooooo, everyone has to be self-righteous and rude and sarcastic, and be sexist or racist and name call those who they deem stupider than themselves.. You are all adults!! Act like it and stop disappointing your Lord.. the KIDS on here act more mature than alot of adults on here, and that fact alone should ashame the adults on here.. I'm sure God's doing a constant facepalm when he visits this site.. :/
I need a break from this place.. rant over.. carry on..