Handwriting is such a lost and dying art. There's nothing better than sending or receiving a real hand-written letter in the mail, meaning the good old-fashioned postal service, and something that's at least 2 pages and not just 2 sentences long.
Every year, my Christmas cards are a pretty big production for me. Last year I sent out something like 60 cards (I try to start in October) and each card gets a 4-page typed "newsletter" of what's happened in the last year. However, it's important to me to always hand-write the envelopes and cards, in which I ask about their families, personal situations, and sign off with a tailored-to-their-own-life best wish or prayer for their life.
Of course, the only way I'm able to do this is that I'm single with no pets!

(And this was my long way of saying, "You Go, Cmarieh!" because handwriting (along with neatly organized archives) are amazing things that often seem lost in today's world.