Father in heaven, Lord, many of us your children here on cchat are once again going through some difficulties, trials and tribulations, and we're asking for your grace and mercy and help in time of need.
It seems these things go in cycles, Father, and we hope as we go through them, we are growing and learning, but I'll admit, Father, I often feel like I take two-steps backward with every one forward.....forgive me Lord.
But thank you for your promise to never leave us or forsake us, that you're right here with us through our ups and downs, our joys and sorrows, Lord, help us, we pray, to grow in your grace.
We pray for those in physical pain, Lord, especially Frank at this time, Lord, please heal him after this trauma. Please ease his pain and heal his wounds, and we pray for all our brothers and sisters here that have physical ailments....we pray for comfort and healing, Lord.
For those with other problems, Lord, emotional, or things in our daily lives, our jobs, our finances, family matters, loneliness, isolation, fears, insecurities or uncertainties, even doubts regarding our relationship with you, Father, you know our names, each and every one of us, our situations, you know our every thought, Lord.
Please meet us where we are, as individual sons and daughters of our God Most High, and collectively as your bride, the body of Christ.
Meet us, we pray, cleanse us where needed, heal us, hold us, strengthen us, Lord, and equip us to be the ambassadors of our Lord and Saviour that you call us to be.
When we need to stand, you're our Solid Rock, thank you, Lord. When we need refuge, you're the Rock of Ages that we can hide ourselves in, thank you, Lord, and we thank you, for how awesome you are, and for your great love for us.
Most of all, help us to love you and each other more and more, Lord,
open our hearts, we ask you, Jesus, for your sake and glory, in your Holy and wonderful name we pray. Amen.