Oh but if you spoke proper English likes I do. It is spelt with an "s"
In America 'it' is spelled with an I and a T. It is not spelled with an "s"

jk. Hi, miri thanks and God bless you for your thoughtful reply before, and I agree with your sentiments. Those one-verse zingers that are supposed to 'make it all better' though often well-intended, can often be an empty turn-off.
I was more referring to how some people's personal experiences, or 'testimonies' can also be not-helpful also sometimes. Like the hearer may go, 'well, I'm so glad God walked in, gave you an experience or encounter, and you're life was dynamically and drastically changed, I'm glad for you, I really am, but how does that help me?'
So I agree that words AND other peoples experiences can often be a let down.
But God does say that His Word will not go out and return void, so there can be (I mean, there IS) power and encouragement in the Word, but you're also right that someone coming alongside and entering our situation with empathy can go far to help.
In fact, that is one role of the Holy Spirit, the Paraclete (?), to come alongside and comfort, but also to take the Word and minister life and understanding to us.
I can't always relate to someone else's experience, but then again, I've had times where I didn't seem to get comfort from the Holy Spirit OR understanding in the Word, but I don't mean to say that that's God's fault, I'm sure it's mine, I just guess maybe my heart really IS as hard as my head is thick, and I have a lot to learn but I struggle to know how to receive. And give. Love.