No need to apologise or is that apologies ? I can never remember lol.
I suppose it's just how my brain thinks now.

I've come through a lot of hardship and for me now, something I find hard, is when
people quote bible verses as if that makes everything better - I find it doesn't. If
anything it can make people feel worse (like you say but from a different angle etc).
unless it's under the guidance and conviction of the Holy Spirit.
So say a person is in deep depression or difficulties, and along comes squeaky Christian A and says,
cheer up God is love, it says so in the bible. My first thought would be to hit them with something
heavy, maybe that big bible they are carrying. Lol
On the practical side when a person needs encouragement, help etc. Actions really do speak
louder than words, demonstrating Christian love means far more than quoting a verse. It
might be a car lift, help with shopping, someone offering to go to an appointment with you etc.
But there is also the question of going deep into God (far better to do that before the crisis hits and
build up your faith before the fire hits).
Funny you should mention asking, seeking, knocking as I was thinking about that myself yesteday.
How do we ask,seek,knock and go deeper in our walk with God.
I was thinking of creating a thread, but then decided not to as it would mostly attract the
Christianese (you know, where people just say religious words which don't mean a whole lot).
For me looking back over my life there have been times when I have felt really close to God and
other times when I've been distant. I think I know some of the reasons and have learnt how
to achieve that closeness, but it's all still a work in progress.
It takes determination, discipline, but more than anything it takes a whole new way of looking at
things and thinking about God putting off preconceived ideas. It's something which grows within you.
Jesus mentioned the parable of the mustard seed which is the smallest seed but it grows into the largest tree.
Thats what are walk with God is like, but many (and I've done it as well) give up beside they see
the new growth.
The other thing is that many play down the role of God the Holy Spirit, by doing so they miss out
so much. Another big issue is listening too much to that inner voice of self doubt and disappointment
instead of the still small voice of God.
But...sometimes and this was a massive revelation to me...God plays a bit of hide and seek to see how
serious we are and draw us to Himself. If we get something too easy we don't always place value on it.
Often we want instant results, we live in an instant world but God has long term plans,
He is in this for the long haul with you.
Then there is the massive role of genuine fellowship and friendship in all of this. This is so
important, iron sharpens iron.
I wish sometimes I could sit down face to face with my friends on CC, have a proper natter, share
our ups and downs, really prayer for each other, really understand each other. Something lifts from us
when we really share, when we can be real in front of people and real in front of God.
On the matter of being real in front of God. That is important as well, we should be able to weep
in God's presence, have a rant at God, express our disappointment at God, but it is something you
rarely hear taught in churches. They only talk about worshipping God etc.
But look at the Psalms, they express all sorts of emotions. The church does great harm when it
down plays human emotions and expects Christians to be positive all the time.
Best way forward is to start afresh, wipe the slate clean, don't have any expectations of what you
want to see happen. Find time to spend quality time with God, have a loose schedule maybe a
little prayer, maybe a little bible reading, maybe a little worship music. Most importantly
an open mind. Invite the Holy Spirit to move in whatever way He wants to. Write down
your thought whether positive or negative.
Some days it may feel dry other days you may feel something has lifted, still other days
you will feel God was present. but that isn't because God has good days
and bad days - it's because we have good days and bad days! But you know what God still
loves you despite the bad days.
And slowly but surely there will be a change in you as you allow God to work in you.
It's not a magic formula, it takes time for that mustard seed to grow.
One thing I tried at one point is I got a piece of paper and filled one half with things
i wanted to achieve and see happen - it didn't take long to fill it

Then on the other side I wrote the heading "what God wanted".
At first there was nothing on that side. Lol
But bit by bit over the months I started to write down things I felt God was speaking to
me about. The over riding theme was "relationship" build on that and the foundation is
There is no easy way, no right way, different things work for different people.
One question someone once asked me is "if you knew with all your heart God is real, heaven is
real, hell is real, sin is real, salvation is real, forgiveness is real, God loves you with an everlasting love and
you really knew all this was real in a way you could see, hear, touch etc what changes would
you make?
The reality is that the real you and the real me is capable of having a relationship with the real God.

The other reality is God is far more willing to walk by your side every day than you can ever
comprehend. But we are the ones who keep getting out of step, I know I do.
Just had a picture of an old man walking steadily and slowly along a road with a little kid running
all over the place. We are like that little kid

sometimes we just need to slow down and take it one
small step at a time walking with the King.
Im still trying to learn all this, I don't think we ever stop learning.