Today is a very sad day. My upstairs neighbor Aldo was found dead in his apartment a few hours ago. The neighbor across from him, Dianne, hadn't seen him in a couple days so she called the cops to do a welfare check on him. 4 cop cars and 2 ambulances showed up, they broke down his door and found him dead. The coroner's van came and took him out. I don't know how old he was, maybe late 50's, early 60's.. I don't know if he has any family around here. Please pray for him and for his friends and neighbors. We are all shocked right now. His cause of death is unknown, but he had diabetes so it possibly was that or a heart attack. The last time I saw/heard him was a day or two ago, so he's been dead for at least one day. I'm glad Dianne had the idea to do a check on him, before the body started smelling too badly. There are air vents in each apartment, and they're connected so I would have smelled decay after a while.

His apartment is right over mine. Sad day for all, especially my neighbor Denise, who just lost another friend last night, so she's doubly upset.
Please pray for Aldo's family, for Denise, and for the family of her friend who died last night. Thank you..