I enjoyed everyone's comments on this open thread. Christ, the world greatest bible scholar that walked the earth in the flesh was the LIVING WORD. You can't get any better than that. He marveled the scholars of that time at the young age of twelve. He said with all your getting, get truth. Truth is a very interesting thing in that if one does not have the truth, he doesn't have the truth and that is a heap of hurt. Truth is a two edge sword that cuts through the BS. It's seem not to be all that popular with a lot of so called Christians in that it may offend or hurts feelings. Its not so called political correct, which is BS anyway. What happened to morally correctness, has it just flown out the window. Truth wasn't popular during Christ's time on earth neither, for they crucified Him for teaching truth. When Christ was teaching he mentioned that when one has obtained the milk of God's word then it was time to get into the strong meat. This is where the rub comes in that it may offend or hurt feelings. Christ didn't mind hurting feelings when it came to teaching truth, cause the real truth will set one free. The strong meat of God's word is where a lot of truth lys. One would ask then what is the strong meat of God's word. A lot of strong meat is in the very first six chapters of Genesis. If one does know and understand just what happened in those first six chapters Genesis, the bible will never completely fit together. It is a secret that Christ said had been hidden from the foundation of the world. Mathew 13:35 That's a long time my friends. When Christ said it was a secret that's exactly what He meant. After learning the secret myself about twenty years ago, surprisingly I haven't come across very many Christians that could tell me the secret that was hidden from the foundation of the world. I only know two world renown King James Bible scholars that teach this secret, but surely there is more that, that know and teach the secret. Christ gives us an example of strong meat or in part the secret that was taught by only two on the seven churches of Asia in the book of Revelation 1:2-3. Christ found favor with only two of the seven churches totally. The other five churches taught or was doing something that Christ didn't like. The Church of Symrna and the Church of Phipadelphia taught what Christ approved of. Out of all the good things Christ could have said about those two churches, He praised them for knowing and teaching two things. You think those two things are important my friends? They are extremely important if you want to be pleasing to Christ. Remember we have the worlds greatest bible scholar teaching here, Jesus Christ, the LIVING WORD. You can't get no better than that my friends. There is much more strong meat to mention but I will let you chew the cud on this for now.