What burns my backside other than a three foot candle are all these folks who believe when my sister puts up Christmas decorations in and around her house, she is a pagan because they have found a connection to God only knows how many past pagen feasts.....Saturnalia formost.......
All of those people who are honoring Jesus Christ on the 23th of December, His birth that is, really do love Jesus Christ, well, most do.
People are so, if I may say so, grinched out, they do not see how even something as materialistic looking as many have made it is used by our Fahter to bring more people to our Lord, and Savior, Jesus Christ.
I am always suspect of any person or group who use a little of what is falsely called knowledge to confuse or condemn the children of the Most High and Wonderful God.
Now, I have always had a dislike for Christmas, but that is me and my own decision, and it has nothing to do with it being paganistic. I love my family that celebrates Christ's birth out of their love for Him......do not try to change this, for them or for me.