I have trust issues... it comes with being burned my whole life and never keeping friends cause im too honest and upfront, that they just disappear and there goes that friendship. I have sisters in Christ close to me, that I do confide in and they are Always there when I need them. But I don’t want to just burden them with my problems all the time you know? Just seems like I’m not being a very good child of god when I go to them and not to the lord... I pray every day, and this week, I was attacked by the enemy cause in one area of my life, things were going ok... then another area, everything just fell apart. I don’t like fighting, or arguing... I’m the peacemaker in my family, so getting into a fight with my hubby about what I’m dealing with is completely pointless. Besides all this is also part of my mental health I’m going through as well.. and it’s not just postpartum...