Ok, I am jusst a little bit peeved.
I am seventy-five, and within the parameters of normal conditions at my age, I feel very healthy.
We keep hearing from around the globe about retirement homes and large numbers of seniors dead from the covid19, and this report is true, however the circumstances are not explained, Because of this overall ignorance many are led to believe that seniors are causeing much of the pandemia.
These homes have seniors cremmed in many times with very close qurters one from another in the recreation areas. There are wonderful people who care for them. Usually those who feed them or disstribute medications are not high up on the pay scale. Time and time again I see low-paid workers warned if they are ill they are fired.
Ok, example in Catalonia. Ahome lost 40 seniors to the covid19 virus. These folks are never out of the homes so, did they spontaneously generate this virus? I think not. One clue is that along with the 40 seniors deceased there were 17 emplyees who also died.
It does nottake a genius to figure out that the virus was imported to them by people from outside.
Also, I am convinced that in this environment, during the incubatio period of the infection a person may be infected many times explaining why so many seniors die, because outside of these homes, for insstance my community, no on is coming down with the diseas, and this is a retirement area in Spain. Leave all groups alone for there is no one group cause the spread of this unless you refer to the group called mankind.