okay "Speak my mind" so here it gores:
So darn frustrating to go to a store to buy new jeans right now........
"Due to the virus the fitting rooms are closed"
okay...... so you think buy the jeans without trying them on, no problems right?
No returns allowed at this time (includes clothing)
Oh but you will have an extended time for returning items once stores allow returns again.......

GREEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT so in the meantime we have to play guess what will fit and hope it does, but if it doesn't you've got LOTS of $$$$ tied up you can't use b/c you can't get it back yet.......
there is at least one store that the fitting rooms are closed, but will allow returns......
unfortunately it is a half hour away and their jeans are marked up ($10+ more than Walmart for the same brand

So, I'm just speaking my mind here......
why don't they leave just 1 fitting room open and (HERE'S A THOUGHT have the fitting room attendant disinfect it after someones used it rather than sit at the counter all day saying "rooms are closed) if they won't allow returns on clothing yet.......
OR no fitting rooms but clothing may be returned and change the policy to be ONLY IF TAGS ARE IN PLACE...........
or SOMETHING like that so people don't get stuck with stuff that doesn't fit......
I seriously think that when stores start allowing returns we're going to hear about all the money they are LOSING when people start bringing in tons of stuff at a time. They'll probably screw customers over with some sort of policy of X amount refunded/daily or per transaction or my absolute favorite
"oh I see you paid cash..... did you want that back or can we put it on a store merchandise card?"
*stepping off soap box now........
thank you*