just a share,
we got up early, 2AM, cause both of us couldn't sleep - when your 're-TIRED',
this is one of the 'perks') - anyway, hubs got his brew going (first thing) -
so wanted to share this: our very good neighbors, they live behind us, our
properties touch and we have been really great friends for about 40 or so yrs.-
'she' called me earlier this week and told us that her daughter's husband has
CV and that now her daughter does and that she and her husband had been at
their house watching a movie with them earlier in the week;
she and her husband are in their late 70's, and her daughter and husband are in their 50's -
her and her hub have no symptoms but went and got tested: results should come in today -
but daughter and her husband are on meds, plus have self-medded on
ivermectrine, which they had at home for their animals - just waiting to hear how today is going
and praying that mom and dad don't get sick, they both have the worst eating and drinking habits possible,
alcohol not included...
also mom told me some neighbors down the road have had it and are fine,
and some other close by have it now and the wife is very sick...
mom asked us to pick up her mail and when I went into the PO, the staff had shields up but none
were wearing masks - also I didn't have one on and no one told me to put one on - go figure,
we thought the government had made it mandatory - also, their 'shields' were a joke, as far as being protective...
also we went grocery shopping and it was a mix-mash of mask wearing...
some of our local stores are still dis-infecting the carts, others not...
over all, it's really bizarre as far as concerning who is doing WHAT and WHERE and WHEN, total dis-unity -
but, a great plus here where we live, 'so far no, there is no acting-out of criminal behavior, looting, etc...
we just really want to stay home, waiting on Jesus to guide and protect, as always!...