Hmmmm, it was on you tube that Israel have to go back into lockdown for their upcoming feasts starting the 18th of this month. Won
I used to get that message quite frequently
It is a cache problem. Close and then re-open your browser and you should be good to go, or, restart your device, which may also help, especially if you have it pre-programed to defrag, clear your cache, and all that good stuff on doing so
I don't think I get it at all in Mozilla Firefox, though I could be wrong. It has been a while, anyways
Ruby Ruby, I have been thinking of you
I tried to find another fun video for you the other day, but all I came up with was some kiddie stuff 

(aside from the usual Ruby songs). Remember my Marilyn angel? From the bacon thread? LOL
I finally finished it, well, it is really almost done, as looking at it out of the program on a different background I notice it could use some minor color adjustment, especially to the face (looks a little blue to me
). This almost always happens as ambient light changes throughout the day and even season by season
I am very sensitive to such changes
Here is the Marilyn one:
You had thought maybe it was Nicole Kidman's face, so I re-did a recent one with her
This is my first time posting this one
^ It looked like that before, but I was not happy with it 
I hope this message finds you well
Thanks Magenta, I have no idea what cache and defrag means lol. I will look it up. I usually search on chrome. Maybe I need to change.
I like the Marilyn one. Pink and purple combination always looks nice and the angel all looks in proportion even though you have made changes to it. The Nicole Kidman one is good too. I prefer it to the other one below which you said is the same one but improved. I wish I could do that sort of thing.
Starting to heat up now all of a sudden. Like a full blown summers day and only just spring. Aghhhhh I think I need to find a cool place.
Being have a couple of strange dreams. Have no idea what they mean but I feel like they mean something lol. If that makes sense. Hope your energy is improving