Praying for you LilBit........I see they are doing "rolling blackouts" in the OK City area to conserve energy......sigh....... as cold as it is, that could be very dangerous for the elderly, sick, and wee children, right?
Ole Dan suffering from the cold too.........sorry Dan, hang in there......
Shoot! here in the HEART OF DIXIE it's cold too! We are at 21 degrees, tomorrows high will only be 24, and we will not go above freezing until Wednesday morning at 11AM.
I know lots of folks are much colder...........BUT THIS IS THE HEART OF DIXIE!
Blond, pray you and Tourist are ok too.........Tennessee gots lots of ice and sleet and snow I hear......... Tampa starting to look better?

Nay, Blonde will like the cold and Tourist will because da Blond does...........(talk about being, well, you know)
WEE ELEPHANTS COLD! Oh well, might as well do snowelefentz.......