So for those who may be interested in my dog attack story. It is certainly an example of God's love and protection.
I came home from work and went for a walk. You know the exercise and destress routine. I had to walk past two houses that were always a concern to me. One was the psycho residence owned by a psycho couple and their angry psycho Bullmastiff dog. Directly opposite to that house was an new elderly couple with their short stocky Bull Terrier dog (Duke). Psycho dog was always behind a fence and Duke was always on the front porch soaking up the sun and sleeping. He was not behind a fence, in fact there was no fencing on his property. He never bothered me but because of his breed and size he did concern me.
On this particular evening I went for my usual walk and came to the two houses of concern. Psycho dog would usually see me and start barking and growling as I walked past. Duke would wake up from his slumber, look at me then go back to sleep. As I came to the two houses there was no barking from psycho dog. Duke however woke up from his sleep and looked. I thought great psycho dog has gone Hallelujah!!! Then suddenly psycho started barking, I looked and he was at the front of the house and not behind the fence. He barked, growled and came running towards me. I thought "Oh no, I am a gonner!!!"" The only thing I could do was say in my mind "Lord HELP!!!!!"
The whole thing was a bit of a blur and seemed to have happened in slow motion but Duke came running over to me and stood directly by my side and walked with me as if I were his owner. I did not know Duke nor at this stage hadn't met his elderly parents yet. He growled at psycho dog who at this stage was savagely barking and grinding his teeth at me. Duke stood between me and psycho and growled as though he was saying "stay away from her". Psycho backed off and went back to his place and Duke continued to walk with me. At some point when I was far enough, he stopped looked at me as though he was saying goodbye and turned around and walked back home. I was shocked. I cannot figure out how he managed to get to me before Psycho as Psycho had a head start. I quickly thanked the Lord and continued my walk.
On my way back I had to once again pass these two houses to return to mine so I quickly said a prayer. "Lord help me please again" I continued on and the same thing happened. Psycho barked, came running and growling and grinding his teeth. Duke was fast asleep on his porch came running over and stood right next to me shielding me from psycho. He growled at psycho and psycho backed off and returned home. Duke continued to walk with me until I reached my drive way. At this point he stopped, said goodbye and took off back home. I was amazed again. I thanked the Lord.
When I saw Dukes elderly father in his garden I told him the story of how his dog protected me. I ended up becoming very good friends with him, his wife and dog for quite a few years. I heard all of his stories. He in fact was the only living captain of the large whaling boats that we had here when whaling in the seventies was the main industry. She had some amazing stories too and Duke and I used to go for walks together as they were both too unwell to walk him. All three have since passed on. This was a few years ago and I have fond memories of all three of them and a testimony of Gods love and protection