Morning world!
Well, the white stuff is here

(I have mixed feelings about this)
A few days late as the kids were looking for a White Christmas.......

we put the movie (White Christmas) on and said "Here ya go!"

(that's "bad".... I know

anyone have any super exciting New Years Eve plans?
To answer my own question:
Nope, not really. In fact, I'd like to be in bed A-S-L-E-E-P when the clock strikes midnight, and the ball drops and all the bells and whistles go off.... and, and, and......
but I know that is very unlikely to happen.
My kids have been very inquisitive lately about New Years Eve, what's it REALLY all about, and why do we celebrate it.....
Well you see kids.... people want another reason to go out and party, while all the money making companies want another event to market and make tons of $$$ off of while people are wrapped up in the moment an spend, spend, spend on all the needless party supplies and celebratory junk, and.......... "
WHAT???? You don't think I should explain it that way to them??????
Yeah, I didn't think so either

it'll only raise more "why" questions that I don't want to seriously give answers to (and
"I don't know. Why don't you do your research and look it up." is starting to make them question say 'Gee Mom, what DO you know??? )
All that keeps coming to me is that it is a time of new beginnings and that Jesus is all about giving us a new, fresh start. There's gotta be a way to tie that all together......
IF i'm awake at the start of 2022 (which will likely be the case) maybe it would be best to just ask the Lord to take over this conversation with them and see where it goes from there

That's it...... that's the answer to my own above question