Hi David, i was just curious, I hear the latest legislation will give us a digital currency and replace the dollar, do you have any wisdom on this?
The Digital Currency is just another step closer to the Mark.
D/C is not the Mark but it will be directly connected to it when the Man of Sin is revealed.
The Stage and Props are set prior to the Opening Act.
The World has been thoroughly conditioned for this.
The two are connected as the Purpose is to reestablish a modern day Tower of Babel with it's modern day Nimrod/Leader.
Hearts will be broken when false hope of a pre-trib rapture ruptures in everyon'e face.
Temptation and bewilderment will take place = Matthew ch24
The Signs and Wonders will increase and many will marvel.
Stay strong in the Word, in the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, pray without ceasing(especially in tongues if you have the Gift), always remember that a building is not the Church but you and those who love the LORD are the Church.
Our LORD preached, healed and ministered in the open fields, in homes and anywhere HE was invited.
So also did the Apostles and the early Saints.
We will return to that time soon as modern churches continue to become apostate and fall away.
Our Reward is in Heaven and HE will soon come for us = keep your eyes and heart on the LORD.
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