I go to bed around midnight...then keep waking up randomly because I hear something......
I used to be similar to that but maybe
worse. I finally learned to just run a fan to drown out outside noises and TRY to trust God to cover us. One thing I've concluded. He is ALWAYS Faithful!
A Dream:
(This was at that time when the kids were little and I would basically be the watchman hardly sleeping in case something went wrong or I was needed.) I was in the house at night, in my PJs while slashing the dark with a butter knife. I feel that was God showing me how useless my attempts were to take care of everything by myself. My intentions were honorable but my ability to accomplish anything productive was pointless. I wasn't fully trusting God.
And I say all that to say this. Shortly after we moved out and rented that house, a woman came and tried to break in. She busted windows on either side of the door and cut the woman living there who was trying to keep the door closed. We had to replace the carpets because of the bloodstain. The thing is, the woman intruder had the wrong house. The intruder was looking for the woman cheating with her husband but she missed it by one street over. Same house number but wrong street. That could have been us but it wasn't. My greatest fear came to pass but we weren't there because God protected us.
No matter where our family has gone in life, we have missed catastrophe by either being delayed in going or being moved out of the way. He is ALWAYS Faithful.
thanks for inspiring that wonderful memory of Him