Morale of the story.....move out of tornado it? Sorry your movie got messed up and there is plenty of room in Florida for you guys....matter of fact they are remodeling the unit next to ours to sell and it's gonna be nice when they are done....We only have hurricanes once in awhile and at least they give you warning on those so you can get out of the way.....just a thought....
Don't worry blond... only 7 months left to go in this dump... and we will be moving more North East (closer to his family).
I actually got to finish my movie (God's Not Dead) and it was REALLY good.... woke up this morning with an upset tummy.... took a looooong hot shower, and I am feeling much better now... I think the Blue Bell Ice cream recall was for real.... SO Now I gotta throw that nice box of ice cream sandwiches away. poo.
Btw... the hubby will never move close to the ocean, unless his family decides to up and move that far away lol... If anything, I would want to move back to either Texas (home state) or Missouri.... My only niece and nephew live there... And I only see them maybe once a year...
Another thing!!!........................................ GOOD MORNING!!!!