This is true that faith comes from hearing the word and listening to it, but i would hardly call the love god and i share a feeling. Feelings come and go, day to day but the love that we share is constant and active every day, whether i can feel the love or not i know it's there because i know what the depths of my heart is and i know the heart of the lord.
You cannot call such deep love and care with the father a feeling, it literally drowns you and consumes you. It changes how you think, how you believe, what you trust and don't trust. It gives you a new pair of eyes, it allows your heart to welcome the light that searches our hearts everyday because we can look inside our hearts and only see him in there.
My desire and love for him, the desires and love from him to me is not just my love and his love as if it was comparing two people madly in love. But it's a single love, as if his heart and my heart made us one. This why i speak so often of his heart and love. Because such a relationship with him is far to great and powerful to rely on (Feelings)
Felling disconnected from him is a part of my everyday life, my our love is far richer in those times because I tell him and let my heart speak to him even in those times how deeply i care and love him. This is how i know our love is true because even in those horrible times of disconnection our love shines ever brighter
You cannot call such deep love and care with the father a feeling, it literally drowns you and consumes you. It changes how you think, how you believe, what you trust and don't trust. It gives you a new pair of eyes, it allows your heart to welcome the light that searches our hearts everyday because we can look inside our hearts and only see him in there.
My desire and love for him, the desires and love from him to me is not just my love and his love as if it was comparing two people madly in love. But it's a single love, as if his heart and my heart made us one. This why i speak so often of his heart and love. Because such a relationship with him is far to great and powerful to rely on (Feelings)
Felling disconnected from him is a part of my everyday life, my our love is far richer in those times because I tell him and let my heart speak to him even in those times how deeply i care and love him. This is how i know our love is true because even in those horrible times of disconnection our love shines ever brighter
that was the subject.
and your seeking after what you think is a gift from God.
The truth is God is searching for such a person who has the faith to bring back the dead or walk on water.
what did Jesus say?
John 4:23
Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks.
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