I don't know that all that necessarily follows even if all you say is true. There are other explanations for those things.
What do you believe is God's principle message is in the book of Revelation and what time frame does the book encompass?
What do you believe is God's principle message is in the book of Revelation and what time frame does the book encompass?
I see the latter date, why though is in that the Church of Smyrna https://biblehub.com/interlinear/revelation/2-8.htm did not exist until AFTER Paul had written his epistles to all of the other Churches, (Smyrna had not yet known the Lord) see chapter 11 of the letter of Polycarp to the Philippians https://www.newadvent.org/fathers/0136.htm also in Revelation 17:8-13 the angel states that the sixth head is (present tense) and that the 7th head,the 8th and the 10 horns/kings did not yet exist at the time John saw the vision(the angel says their all future) https://biblehub.com/interlinear/revelation/17.htm
,,,as for the principal message I see Revelation 1:19 in that it is revealing the things John had seen(past) things he saw(present tense) and what was to come to pass(future tense)... https://biblehub.com/interlinear/revelation/1-19.htm
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