First of all let me just say thank you. Thanks to the site owner, for creating and maintaining this platform. Thanks to all the ppl who partake and respond here. I have seen a lot of really neat people in this online community.
I have over posted random ramblings in the BDF, the SDF and in the blogs. I am never sure where the best place it is to get conversations going. I think part of my problem is I go on to much like this, lol.
Anyway, thanks for being patient with me as I come to learn, play, and communicate with written fellowship.
I just started Exodus and was wondering if you have any tips on what I should be thinking about and looking for as I set forth on this journey?
I have another question. I believe God loves the whole world and that He gave us Yesua, His son, so that we all might have the opportunity to be saved. I believe He designed us with choice. I am not really a believer in predestination but now I seek to know what do do with Romans 8…
For those whom He foreknew, He also predestined to become conformed to the image of His Son, so that He would be the firstborn among many brethren; and these whom He predestined, He also called; and these whom He called, He also justified; and these whom He justified, He also glorified.
Romans 8:29-30 NASB
If it just said predestined, without having said foreknew also, I could easily say, ok He is outside of time so He knows who will choose Him. However, it says He foreknew AND predestined. So now I'm wondering do we even have freewill? I think about how he operated in the OT, how He definitely orchestrated their lives, and He doesn't change. Hmmmm? I know this topic has been beaten up and pondered, but sometimes, I think somewhere this is an answer that makes sense so that all the scriptures line up, because it says clearly that whosoever believes, and calls on the name... and many other verses that seem to contradict the predestined. I know the confusion is in my understanding not in Him. I know He is a God of order.
Well if you would give me a tip about studying Exodus or about the other, I'd appreciate it.
Thank you all. Love, in Christ, and God Bless you and yours.
I have over posted random ramblings in the BDF, the SDF and in the blogs. I am never sure where the best place it is to get conversations going. I think part of my problem is I go on to much like this, lol.
Anyway, thanks for being patient with me as I come to learn, play, and communicate with written fellowship.
I just started Exodus and was wondering if you have any tips on what I should be thinking about and looking for as I set forth on this journey?
I have another question. I believe God loves the whole world and that He gave us Yesua, His son, so that we all might have the opportunity to be saved. I believe He designed us with choice. I am not really a believer in predestination but now I seek to know what do do with Romans 8…
For those whom He foreknew, He also predestined to become conformed to the image of His Son, so that He would be the firstborn among many brethren; and these whom He predestined, He also called; and these whom He called, He also justified; and these whom He justified, He also glorified.
Romans 8:29-30 NASB
If it just said predestined, without having said foreknew also, I could easily say, ok He is outside of time so He knows who will choose Him. However, it says He foreknew AND predestined. So now I'm wondering do we even have freewill? I think about how he operated in the OT, how He definitely orchestrated their lives, and He doesn't change. Hmmmm? I know this topic has been beaten up and pondered, but sometimes, I think somewhere this is an answer that makes sense so that all the scriptures line up, because it says clearly that whosoever believes, and calls on the name... and many other verses that seem to contradict the predestined. I know the confusion is in my understanding not in Him. I know He is a God of order.
Well if you would give me a tip about studying Exodus or about the other, I'd appreciate it.
Thank you all. Love, in Christ, and God Bless you and yours.
"If you love Me you will obey what I command."
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