HealthAndHappiness said:
I wonder what all the TV and YouTube false prophets are saying
now that their personal"Eclipse Prophecies" have failed?
"Oops! Sorry! We had no business making any such prophecies.
But we love to be known as prophets. And we sure fooled a lot of people. We also talked about "blood moons" some time back and that was a fiasco."
I personally hadn't heard anyone making
prophecies about something taking place
at this recent "eclipse"...
... but I did read someone who was pointing out how the last time two eclipses criss-crossed the U.S. seven years apart, in the 1800's, the latter-most eclipse was
followed MONTHS LATER by the greatest earthquake in the U.S. to that time, and who
WONDERED if (like the "tides"

) perhaps the same or similar effect might take place [again]
MONTHS AFTER this most recent eclipse (some wondered if the extra "weight" of those visiting to be
in the path could add to such an effect, again,
MONTHS AFTER the actual eclipse).
They didn't proclaim it as a "prophecy," but just something they
WONDERED about (I'm not
scientifically-minded enough to "refute" such a notion, lol). I'm good with people "wondering" about things... even "out loud"... lol