One will lean heavily to what they have experienced. If ink on paper is your only recourse minus the Spirit, then that's the way you'll perceive things.
There are theologians that study the word every which way from Tuesday for a life time but are spiritually blind to its full meaning if they are not redeemed.
They are absent the Spirit that reveals to the believer His secrets. They approach the word with their intellectual faculties. Those, who are born from above, have no need of man to teach them.
There are thousands of denominations with their own take on things. They look at the word carnally trying to find hidden meanings thinking they are so clever cause they think they see what others cannot. Ever learning but never able to come to the knowledge of the truth! Carnal knowledge is acquired by the use of ones intelligence. Spiritual knowledge comes through and by the Holy Spirit to our spirit man then to our intellect.
Adam and Cavah threw their hats into the ring for intellectual knowledge, the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. They longer wanted one on one fellowship with their creator walking in the cool of the day in the garden!
God said don't go that route, the forbidden went that route in direct rebellion and died spiritually as well as physical death.
Israel did the same. God wanted them to come up unto the mount that He might have a relationship with all of them, not just with Moses. They refused. Without that personal relationship, unity remains aloof.
The impotent condition of the body of Christ is the direct result of trying to obey God in the flesh, and not in and by the indwelling Spirit. Our gatherings are run and controlled by the dictums of man, by preset liturgies, and well packaged religious services that feeds the flesh but does little to alleviate any spiritual malnutrition.
Discouragement and dryness pushes some out in order to start up another church, another denomination somewhere down the block. And the carnal fiasco continues taking another lickin but keeps on kickin, repeating it self over and over again. Denominations gone wild!
Not beating you up either. Smile!
LOL!..glad you are not beating me up!
well sure we think our experience is the world to us...until we fall off the edge of the world and swim with the sharks ...
Ink on paper is not my only recourse but that ink on paper is where we learn about the Holy Spirit and that is where I am coming from
There are thousands of denominations with their own take on things. They look at the word carnally trying to find hidden meanings thinking they are so clever cause they think they see what others cannot. Ever learning but never able to come to the knowledge of the truth! Carnal knowledge is acquired by the use of ones intelligence. Spiritual knowledge comes through and by the Holy Spirit to our spirit man then to our intellect.
This should engender a human spirit with humility and not self righteousness, and certainly not divisions or strife or jealousies and the rest of the list
Adam and Cavah threw their hats into the ring for intellectual knowledge, the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. They longer wanted one on one fellowship with their creator walking in the cool of the day in the garden!
well. my take there would be they did not know what they were trading in...deception can do that to a person...
Israel did the same. God wanted them to come up unto the mount that He might have a relationship with all of them, not just with Moses. They refused. Without that personal relationship, unity remains aloof.
yes...taken note of that one myself....and yet when God blew past the cave Elijah was hiding in, He made all kinds of noise and then revealed Himself in a very quiet way....we are constantly exposed to ourselves but who all takes notice? That may be one of the hardest things to realize and even try to get a hold of and look at as does God...
The impotent condition of the body of Christ is the direct result of trying to obey God in the flesh, and not in and by the indwelling Spirit. Our gatherings are run and controlled by the dictums of man, by preset liturgies, and well packaged religious services that feeds the flesh but does little to alleviate any spiritual malnutrition.
many many are....but suppose God knows that.....from the moment of its inception, Christianity (meaning the disciples and followers of Christ shall we say in the upper room)...the freedom and revelation found in the Holy Spirit as He does not speak of Himself but reveals the heart of God to us, is jeopardized by the very one that has received
begins to sound like some of Paul's writings, but I guess there is no other conclusion because blaming someone else changes nothing...didn't work for Adam
Discouragement and dryness pushes some out in order to start up another church, another denomination somewhere down the block. And the carnal fiasco continues taking another lickin but keeps on kickin, repeating it self over and over again. Denominations gone wild!
One reason I like coming to Christian forums, is to learn about what people are really thinking...cause you just may not hear all this stuff in church, eh?
I puzzle over alot of things alot of the time.....and ask God plenty of questions ... I even get answers sometimes...but honestly, I think sometimes the answers do not come because of me, myself and I
Would I really believe God if He told me? Would the answer be too hard for me to accept?
We are little beings bascially in a static position on earth with all of the cosmos alive in glorious display over our little noggins and God calls the stars by name and knows every planet
Sometimes that has to be enough