I met another muslim today he was the owner of gymnasium... i spoke to him in great lenght..
He said he was a britsh muslim born in this country and that he totalty condones all acts of terror by muslim as nothing short as a barbaric discusting act of evil and not love.
I felt sorry for him as he tried to win my trust he shook my hand and said brother i would never do that no matter who tries to make me do it,,,, he said i would rather shoot my self in head..
He said muslims sin more who are not under shari law.. he said in ther e country under shari law watch television isnt even allowed so muslim cant be tempted with pornogarphy....
He was almost crying when he said this war bewteen us now is only going to get worse and that many muslims in this country will be ordered to kill whites or risk having there family killed by islamic mathis terrorists...
He was a big fellow well built his mussles in his arms where bigger than my head.. he looked at me and said i have been a bouncer in this country for 30 years and never used vilonce... he said true muslims dont use vilonce..
I said im sorry but your country is filled with it and alot of your muslims are racist towards whites... and that we had house you clothed you and give you jobs and houses... and now you are turning on us..
he said to me there has been 29 hate crimes against muslims in this week alone..
He said whites are every bit racist as muslims he said this it is nothing to do with true religion which offers help and guidance along with love and hope..
he said i am really upset and he startded to cry..

i said a prayer for him..