The mysteries of our planet totaly mapped out now,,, God has a plan for us,,,
lets change the subject again.
Ok so ther has been ice ages been and gone,,, each time a new beginning too.. this is why we are as old as the bible says...
the bible says in the beginning God created the universe,, and the he created the earth, the missing here is that there is a rebirths and recreations to,,
A creation is not and end to new creations,,
So complete proof of ice ages we know this.
allso proof of a global ice age,,
proof of the our plannets magnetic field flipping and reversing the other way.. some 10000 years apart some much longer and why is that ??
ok its like this when there is a global ice age ,,, every living plant gets compressed into the earth with the weight baring down on it from millions of tons of ice...
eventually the plants decompose and mix with chemicals in the earth, and form bio fuel,, and oil and gasses,,
eventually the oil gets purified and drops into our malton lava inner core but my guess is its purified first by its thousand of miles it travel through the earths filter system,, ie the earths skin,,, yup like we have skin so does the earth,,
now with that in mind if you apply oil to your skin eventually it will soak through in to your blood,, we know this because some medicine are designed this way ,, like pain killer rub on gel...
now if you put the wrong chemicals in there befor rou rub it on your face then you will most like end up severley ill or dead..
this is our plannet when we have a global ice age the earth gets so much plant life that there isnt another ice global ice age for as many as years as we have not had a global ice age..
this is the mystery of our plannet ,,, revealed to me by the king most high..
we are over due a global ice age and a magnetic flip,,, now can we sirvive ? well we may just find out unless we give more fuel to the earth but he question is how ? do we sink oil so far and let the earth do the rest ?
does it get enough of that fuel at present ?
its possible but one must not assume it does,,
what should we do ?
well planting more trees is a good idea,,
making another oceon would be a good thing to,,,