Listen to the God's words
"Rom.9:8 "children of the promise" Sara's "flesh" womb, was dead, but, rom.4:17 Abraham believe in God, "who gives life to the dead and calls (into being) those things which DO NOT exist as those they did;" When God brings us to faith, we too believe in God who can bring us into spiritual life. God said Eze.36:26-27 &37 "I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you ... and cause you to walk in My statues"..."I will also let
(require) the house of Israel (Israel and Judah,37:16) inquire (to ask) of Me to do this for them:" As a nation, Israel is dead to Her GOD, but Jesus will bring her to life at HIS second coming. Rom. 9:10-11 Rebecca 's children were not yet born and God said, the older shall serve the younger, "Jacob I have loved, Esau I have hated", before they could do any good thing or bad. "to foreknow" is not knowing before, but, loving before. v16,"So then it is not of him who wills nor of him who runs, but of God who shows mercy." The potter has power over the same lump of clay, SINNERS, to make good or bad vessels. How clear God's words are.
Love to all, Hoffco