And I wanted to add the 7 hills are not actual physical hills, as Revelation 17 refers to them as kings. And even if we were to consider this as actual mountains/hills it is only in regards to Babylon and not the man of sin. As the man of sin destroys Babylon in Revelation 17:16, and Mecca also sits on 7 hills and has kept the traditions of the old Babylonian empire in their worship.
i would like to add about the 7 hills or mountains,
they are times in history, when the unholy roman empire rose, and then fell.
the pecks is history, when they where strongest at higth of the roman kingdom,
the valley is when they where not a kingdom, but under ground and hidden.
we are past the 6 th hill, or mountain, and climbing to allmost the summit now,
the last resurection of rome in europe, been here since 2009
-March 1957 brought a, (The Treaty of Rome), a revival to former rome.
Treaty of Rome - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
officially the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community,
that led to the founding of the European Economic Community (EEC)
European Economic Community - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
signed 25 March 1957 by Belgium,France,Italy,Luxembourg,Netherlands,
and West Germany. Maastricht Treaty followed, amended by
the treaties of Amsterdam, Nice and now Lisbon treaty.
Treaty of Lisbon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedi
-on 1 December 2009 upon the entry into force of (the Treaty of Lisbon),
when the EU obtained a consolidated legal personality.
the (Roman empire) is became oficially alive again,in europe (NOW).
The parliamentary term (Reichstag) was first used in association with
the (Holy Roman Empire). the building from where Hitler launched a war that
cost about 50 million lives.
German Parliaments met from 1894 to 1933 and again now since 1999
-The Imperial Regalia, insignia, or crown jewels, the regalia of
the Emperors and Kings of the Holy Roman Empire.