Well, let me put it like this... I am "[Rapture is]
[quoting old post]
When I talk about
"the Tribulation," I could be referring to
any of the following,
which take place [at some point or throughout/] during those 7 years leading up to Christ's Second Coming
to the earth (FOR the promised and prophesied
earthly Millennial Kingdom, commencing upon His
"RETURN" there):
--The Day of the Lord (which includes: the 7-yr trib unfolding
upon the earth, His 2nd Coming
to the earth,
AND the
earthly MK)
--the time of Jacob's Trouble
GREAT tribulation" (this is the 2nd half of the 7 yrs; Rev7:14, Matt24:21, Joel 2:31 "before the
GREAT [i.e. before the 2nd half]" [6th SEAL happens])
--"the end [singular] of the age [singular]" (wholly distinct from "this present age/this present evil age [singular]")
--"the beginning of birth PANGS [plural]" (first portion of trib, equivalent to the SEALS)
--the INITIAL "birth PANG [singular; 1Th5:2-3]" (i.e. the ARRIVAL of the Day of the Lord time-period/trib)
--the "time, times, half a time" (3.5 yrs, the second half of the 7-yr trib)
--the "42 months" (3.5 yrs, the second half of the 7-yr trib)
--the "IN HIS TIME" of the man of sin (7 yrs; the "for ONE WEEK [7 yrs]" of Dan9:27a[26b]; the "
whose coming" of 2Th2:9a; the "IN THE NIGHT" aspect of the DOTL Dan7:7; the "be revealed" of the man of sin, at the
START of the 7-yr trib [i.e. SEAL #1])
--the "until the
TIMES of the Gentiles be fulfilled" (referring to Gentile domination over Israel, which "TIMES of the Gentiles" started in 605bc and will conclude [
with and]
at the END of the future 7-yr trib, at the time of His Second Coming
to the earth)--This does NOT refer to "the Church age" (and is
entirely distinct from "the
FULNESS of the Gentiles be come in [G1525]")
--"thou [Daniel] shall rest [in death] and STAND IN THY LOT [be resurrected to stand again on the earth] AT THE END OF THE DAYS
[at the end of the days referred to in that context, that is, at the END of the trib (for OT saints)]"
--the "DARK" portion of the Day of the Lord (7 years; Amos 5:18,20; 1Th5; etc)
One delivering
us out-from]
the WRATH COMING" ("not appointed
us to wrath")
--the 70th Week of Daniel (7 yrs, yet future; "Seventy Weeks
are DETERMINED UPON THY [Daniel's] people,
AND UPON THY [Daniel's] holy city..." [69 of those Weeks
concluded on Palm Sunday, Luke 19:42-44 / Zech9:9, etc])
--the 7 yrs during which "the invitation" TO the "wedding
earthly MK]" goes out (Rev19:
9 [wholly distinct from Rev19:
7]; Matt22:9-14nasb; Matt24:
13; [results shown in Rev7:9,14 and Matt25:31-46, etc])
--the Olivet Discourse describing it [
except for Lk21:12-24a about the events of 70ad]
shew unto His servants
things which must come to pass IN QUICKNESS [NOUN]" (
7-yrs' worth; the "future" aspects of The Revelation [
1:1/19:c/4:1], chpts 6-19
describing the 7 years [yet 'future'
and 'future' to our Rapture], with the end of chpts 6-19, chpt 19, describing His 2nd Coming
to the earth)
--when Jesus "
STANDS TO JUDGE" (Rev4-5, 5:6; Lam2:1-7, esp vv3-4; Isa3:13); which the wording in 5:4 "WAS FOUND" shows that a "searching judgment" has already taken place (JUST LIKE this word is used in the latter chpts of Acts, when Paul was brought before their
human/earthly "BEMA" [the courts, so to speak])
--[more...; these were just the ones that came immediately to mind]
Any questions?
[end quoting that old post]
So, yeah... "
any and all of THAT ^ ]"

(to be clear, I believe we "RETURN"
FOR the
earthly MK or at least its inauguration/"wedding FEAST/SUPPER"
on the earth)