(1 Thessalonians 5:4) But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a theif.- So my first question to pre- trib view would be if true beleivers were already raptured how could we be there that same day sudden destruction comes upon the wicked.
So, the word for "destruction" here is:
3639 ólethros (from
ollymi/"destroy") – properly,
ruination with its full, destructive
results (
3639 /ólethros ("ruination") however does not imply "extinction" (annihilation). Rather it emphasizes the consequent loss that goes with the complete "undoing."
Notice a cpl things:
--1Tim6:9 uses both
THIS ^ word
(G3639) sometimes translated
"ruin" (ylt, etc), AND
another word (
G684 [see below])
--the "sudden destruction [G3639]" COMES UPON them as the INITIAL "birth PANG [SINGULAR; 1Th5:2-3 (Matt24:4/Mk13:5)]" like a woman in labor... but it is not merely "ONE [birth PANG-SINGULAR] and DONE" when it comes to "birth PANGS [Jesus spoke of]"... MANY MORE *follow on* from that INITIAL one! The DOTL's *ARRIVAL* is merely the INITIAL ONE! (they CONTINUE to unfold from there!)
--Paul (in2Th1&2) is CONTRASTING the TWO OPPOSITE "responses [/'beliefs']" ppl will be coming to IN "the
THAT DAY" (SAME time-period, FOLLOWING "our Rapture"); some will come to faith, whereas others will "believe THE LIE/the FALSE/the
pseudei" (so it is NOT that 100% of the ppl who will be existing on the earth FOLLOWING "our Rapture" will be destroyed and then [eventually] suffer ETERNAL destruction away from the presence of the Lord... SOME will be coming to faith IN/DURING/WITHIN that time-period;
...the "[and] THEY shall
is in contrast to OTHERS who will ALSO find themselves IN the trib, who will HEED the words in Lk21:36 "[...]
in order that they may have strength TO FLEE OUT OF [actively;
ekpheugo] each and every thing coming on the earth [IN the trib yrs] and to stand before the
Son of man" [His "Second Coming
TO THE EARTH" designation])
OTHER word in 1Tim6:9 (DISTINCT from the G3639 word [at top]) is...
Cognate: 684 apṓleia (from
622 /apóllymi, "cut
off") –
causing someone (something) to be completely severed – cut off (entirely) from what could or should have been. (Note the force of the prefix,
See 622 (
684 /apṓleia ("perdition")
does not imply "annihilation" (see the meaning of the root-verb,
622 /apóllymi,
"cut off")
but instead "loss of well-being" rather than being (
Vine's Expository Dictionary, 165; cf. Jn 11:50; Ac 5:37; 1 Cor 10:9-10; Jude 11).
[IOW, I don't think either word implies "sudden DEATH"... unless the context speaks also of "ETERNAL destruction [G3639] away from the presence of the Lord," which an earlier context is talking about their END (i.e. a
future tense reality, to the time-period being addressed)
We are told to watch and be sober Jesus is given you all the signs. Also in (Revelation 16:15) Behold, I come as a theif. Blessed is he that watcheth, and keepeth his garments, lest he walk naked, and they see his shame.
See again my posts on the TWO GREEK WORDS found in BOTH 1Th5 verse 6 AND verse 10 ("watch" and "sleep"... but which latter word is DISTINCT FROM the "sleep" Grk word in chpt 4, vv.13,15,16 or thereabouts)
Now my father is telling me this after sixth vial is poured out why would he be warning me if I’m already raptured. And then people will say oh those were the ones that got saved during tribulation
Right. (in the bold)
The 24 elders were already saying "hast redeemed
US to God by thy blood
out of every..."
way back in Rev5:
9, UP IN Heaven *BEFORE* the FIRST SEAL is opened to unfold upon the earth... LONG BEFORE the "Armageddon" time-slot of Rev16:14-16 (re: "Behold, I come AS A THIEF
. [
period]" [note: NOT "IN THE NIGHT"... those words are NOT added, when speaking of JESUS HIMSELF and HIS "ARRIVAL / "RETURN"
to the earth Rev19/16:14-16)
So WHY are the 24 elders SAYING THIS?
And WHERE did they get those "CROWNS/
stephanous"? (Paul had said "IN
THAT DAY" [not the day of his DEATH

]--context, "the DoChr!" which is when we are UP THERE *WITH HIM* [note: 2Th2:2 should read "DOTL"--the earthly time-period of JUDGEMENTs followed by BLESSINGs])
And WHY are they sitting on "THRONES"??
I think all pre- trib views are based on a lot of assumptions so I have a hard time believing. Also my Lord is like a refiners fire only what is pure is left by the brightness of his coming all impurities ( wicked) get burned up. I know there’s a lot more to this like 24 elders who are they well the Bible tells us 12 are Jesus’s disciples. Anyway I want there to be pre trib rapture I just don’t think scripture supports it.
I believe it DOES... in SO MANY WAYS (it's hard to cover them all!
