Regardless of his Kelby's beliefs, by the guidelines in place, this is a study of what tongues were and what it was for. Speaking in tongues is in the Bible. That makes it worthy of study.
1. Firstly, Christians should consistently substitute the word "language' or "languages" for "tongues" (which was a translation for glossa or glossais, not glossolalia). Back in the 17th century "tongue" was used interchangeable for "language" as seen in the KJV. Today, several modern versions have used the word "language" to clarify the matter.
2. Acts chapter 2 clearly shows us that at least fifteen foreign languages were spoken by Galileans SUPERNATURALLY. They were not coached by human beings, they did not go to language schools, and they certainly did not babble.
3. God already told the Jews that the speaking in foreign languages to them would be A SIGN to expose their UNBELIEF. And that is exactly what Paul said in 1 Corinthians 14. Today, the Gospel is going out primarily to Gentiles, and the power of the Gospel (accompanied by the Holy Spiriti) itself is sufficient according to Scripture.
4. No spiritual gift was given for SELF-EDIFICATION. All the gifts were given to edify others, and thus edify the Body of Christ.
5. The gift of tongues was NOT meant to be a prayer language at all. Indeed, Paul was telling the Corinthians that when they were speaking in tongues without an interpreter (so that only God heard them), they were VIOLATING the process by failing to interpret or have an interpreter. He therefore insisted that if anyone spoke in tongues an interpreter must be present. On the day of Pentecost, there was no need for interpreters, since every man heard what was said in his own language.
6. Paul limited the gift of tongues to two or three speakers only within a church meeting. That is not what happens today.
7. Paul (actually God) forbade women to speak in tongues or speak within a church meeting. They were to maintain silence within the churches. That is not what happens today.
8. Paul clearly stated that the gift of foreign languages spoken supernaturally would cease when the Scriptures had been completed. That would be along with prophecy and supernatural knowledge, since there would be no further need for this gift. So biblical tongues are no longer spoken.
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