I was trying to make the point that assertions about end times have been made for a long time. I have seen most of them be false. It therefore means that we need to be cautious about asserting things about the end times as fact. Avoid saying something as fact. Preface it with possibly, I think, etc. That is what I was trying to TEACH you.
Things you need to ask yourself when people make these predictions.
What do they have to gain?
Are they trying to start a cult?
Are they trying to become widely known?
Does what they say contradict the Bible?
Has anything they have reported in the past not come true?
Does it has a purpose for the Church or in service of God?
Just because it's not in the Bible doesn't mean it is not true.
Jesus spoke of many things that were not in the Old Testament. He spoke of things unknown to mankind at that time.
What I have shared with you I do anonymously.
I have nothing to gain.
I am happily a Southern Baptist and have no desire to start a different sect of Christianity.
It does nothing for me personally because I will not live to see it on this side of death.
None of what I have relayed to you contradicts the Bible in anyway. It is something NEW that compliments Revelations.
I am not a prophet. The prediction of the Temple mount having the ground broken in May 0f 2018 will be the Angel's Litmus Test, not mine. It is not my vision or prophecy. It was verbally told to me from a Cherub Angel. Wait and See.
The purpose is for the future Church when this occurs. I was always told the Rapture would all happen in One day. This is new to me and if I had never heard of it before and living in the time to come when this is to happen I would freak out after not Transfiguring with the dead on day one.
The Bible is 100 percent true. It's just not complete. We have enough to test our Faith and no more until God deems it necessary at future times to give out more information to the Church.
As far as drinking Kool-Aid, I tried to tell the person about the September 22, 2017 prediction that this was not going to happen then and to retract it. He declined. But some times God puts the Truth out in plain sight when people have given up looking for it.
Mathew chapter 7 verse 8. Search it out for yourself.
When you throw a rock into a pen a Legalist is gonna yell! Lol