You continue to bring up that argument in relation to church history. News Flash: Paul taught the gifts of the Holy Spirit. You can find this in the Word of God, 1 Corinthians chapters 12 through 14, and also in Ephesians chapter 4: 7-16.
FYI, The Bible is the authoritative word of God, not the church FATHERS OR THE CHURCH AGE.
Jesus IS THE FOUNDATIONAL TRUTH OF God's Word and the Foundation on which all Scripture must be built. You have been shown that many times. You bring up only movements that is known as Pentacostel movements. Let look at this from your perspective
Church History :
To your false claims, you said here I will address it :
"And since then many movements came on with strange signs, which we can find in pagan religions, too."
Only those like you and Mr. John McArthur are like him. had to seek Pagan Doctrine to try and disprove the Gifts of the Holy Spirit.
Calling the action of someone you see on TV who Preaches the Gospel and the Gifts of God for money. You will not find a more vocal preacher than myself on that point. However, Mr. McAarthur is the last person I would listen to about money when he wears $1000-$2000 Dallor suits.
You did not use the word of God to disprove the gifts of the Holy, but they have stopped. He had to go outside of the word of God and Find the pagan belief of the devil and try to make the gifts of the Holy Spirit the same as those pagan beliefs. Your willingness to try and tie that to all Pentecostals is shameful. I am calling out on it as I have before.
FYI, The Bible is the authoritative word of God, not the church FATHERS OR THE CHURCH AGE.
Jesus IS THE FOUNDATIONAL TRUTH OF God's Word and the Foundation on which all Scripture must be built. You have been shown that many times. You bring up only movements that is known as Pentacostel movements. Let look at this from your perspective
Church History :
- 325 AD: The First Council of Nicea is never mentioned in the Word of God. It was a movement to protect the deity of Christ and other foundational truths.
- 1150 AD, The universities of Paris and Oxford were founded. The word university is not mentioned in the word of God, nor do Sementary Church fathers speak on that either. It was part of a movement.
- 1517 AD The Reformation, 16th century: The word is not even mentioned in the Word of God because it was an event in Church history, nor did the Bible Teach the Reformation. Oops! It was a movement that Palpcarp Never taught, nor did Clement of Rome, nor did Ignatius of Antioch.
- 1649: Cambridge Platform
- 1678: Bunyan writes the Pilgrim’s Progress
- 1740: Great Awakening peaks
- 1804: British and Foreign Bible Society formed
- 1811: Campbells begin Restoration Movement
- 1833: John Keble’s sermon launches Oxford Movement
- 1857: Prayer Meeting Revival begins in New York
- 1906: Azusa Street revival
- 1934: Wycliffe Bible Translators founded
- 1942: National Association of Evangelicals forms
- 1948: World Council of Churches organized
To your false claims, you said here I will address it :
"And since then many movements came on with strange signs, which we can find in pagan religions, too."
Only those like you and Mr. John McArthur are like him. had to seek Pagan Doctrine to try and disprove the Gifts of the Holy Spirit.
Calling the action of someone you see on TV who Preaches the Gospel and the Gifts of God for money. You will not find a more vocal preacher than myself on that point. However, Mr. McAarthur is the last person I would listen to about money when he wears $1000-$2000 Dallor suits.
You did not use the word of God to disprove the gifts of the Holy, but they have stopped. He had to go outside of the word of God and Find the pagan belief of the devil and try to make the gifts of the Holy Spirit the same as those pagan beliefs. Your willingness to try and tie that to all Pentecostals is shameful. I am calling out on it as I have before.
But, if it would be, that the gift of speaking in tongues would be to all believers who receive the Holy Spirit, then we would find in the believer during the whole churchhistory, Independent to which denomination he belongs. Independ they are taught in that matter or not. The Acts Events proofed that they were able to speaking in tongues without any teaching or doctrine.
But it is not! This is for me the proof that this teaching is wrong!
And again to Paul: He said clearly in 1. Cor.12, 29-30 that speaking in tongues is a gift which is not given to all. You can read in what you want. It changes not this fact.!
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