Parables are parables while they communicate a principle via story the story does not have to be factual. People often do that with the parable of Lazerus and the rich man. Over analize the parts of the story which don't affect the point.
Well, I do think He knows the difference between the one whom the bridegroom is to "MARRY" [not mentioned here] and the plurals regarding whom the bridegroom is
NOT "marrying".
He didn't present parables that were incoherent and complete misrepresentations of a thing...
The parable of the virgins isn't about virgins, lamps or oil. Its summed up in the last statement, " Watch therefore, for you know neither the day nor the hour.
Matthew 25:13 ESV
Again, "
know [
PERFECT indicative]" (is
not saying that they can NEVER know / WILL NEVER know, but to "watch"
in order to find out [and now what He has
further disclosed LATER on
THAT Subject,
after His resurrection / ascension / exaltation [i.e. in the
later 95ad writing of the Revelation]... because,
even as He told His disciples just before going to the Cross, "I HAVE
YET MANY THINGS to say unto you,
BUT..." (Jn16)]).
"watch [G1127]" I already covered in an earlier post and what is said "
to/for/about" the Church which is His body in relation to that word,
in 1Th5:10[6], per
ITS context; which is a DISTINCT THING from what is being said with that word in His Olivet Discourse (but no one is wanting to acknowledge that we are to be "
correctly apportioning the word of truth," here, by paying attention to this very "distinction")
Point is be ready for his return.
Correct. The CONTEXT (of the Matt25 passage you are pointing out) is about His
"RETURN" to the earth (where they will be located), after He will be ALREADY-WED (not "TO BE wed"--Revelation 19:7 re: "the MARRIAGE" itself [having taken place IN HEAVEN, by that point], in distinction to that of Revelation 19:9 re: the wedding
earthly MK age, commencing upon His "RETURN"
to the earth,
where THEY will be located, never having been "lifted off"
the earth). The context is
NOT about "our Rapture" (nor ITS timing)... it's not
about "US [/the Church which is His body]" at all.
This also defies the rapture theory.
In no way does it defy the "pre-trib rapture" position,
at all.
Instead, those holding the "pre-trib" doctrine
correctly apportion all of the
related passages (just as we are called to do and exhorted to do).
[the "betrothed/bride/wife [
singular]" is NOT "the guests [plural]," NOR the "10 or 5 virgins/bridesmaids [plural]," NOR the "servants/attendants [plural]"
of that particular time-period... NOR is the "betrothed/bride/wife [singular]" the "FRIEND of the bridegroom," as we see was said regarding "John the Baptist"... but we don't see him trying to "get out of his own placement" and throwing a fit about such, and saying how "unfair" it all is, do we??
