I'd rather not give my opinion, because I would alienate almost everyone in this forum! LOL
I was a Pentecostal for 15 years, after God saved me, and I did something I thought was "speaking in tongues." But, I also read the Bible daily during those 15 years. I finally realized that what I was hearing in church, was not what I was reading in my bible. Of course, there are tongues in the Bible, I won't deny that. But to emphasize it every single church service, when the Bible is so deep and rich, and so much was just missing. It was like 15 years of Acts 2 and copy cat babbling in tongues.
I finally left, and went to a non-tongues talking church, with a pastor who preached the whole Bible. What a joy! I began to realize what I had been doing was not Biblical tongues, and neither was all the random babble, as you say, Blain.
However, we had a friend who was a tongues speaking evangelist. (He's not a friend anymore, since he stayed with us a while, and we found out he was hanging out in bars and casinos and gambling, drinking and sleeping with women, on the days he wasn't preaching (?).) But he did have one incident he talked about, before he backslid, while he was giving his testimony at a men's meeting. He said 4 words in an unknown tongue. Now, this man was from Fiji. He spoke English, Fijian and Hindi. At the end of the meeting, a man ran up from the back, and said, "Why didn't you tell me you spoke Armenian (the country)?" Of course, he told him he did not. The man held up a napkin, and he had written down the 4 words this evangelist said. In Armenian, these words were "Jesus Christ is Lord." He led the man to the Lord. Then over the next months, the man introduced his whole family to this evangelist, and 27 people were saved.
So, that sounds like true Biblical tongues. Something in a real language, which leads many people to Christ, that must be what Biblical tongues are about. HOWEVER, his incredible backsliding, years after this, also have me very confused. I guess the gifts of God are without repentance. But surely God knew this man would bring disrepute to the gospel? Or was this just God's timing for this family to be saved, and nothing to do with the evangelist?
I believe God is sovereign, and totally in control, so, God must have arranged this. And I have heard rumours of similar things. But very rarely. I also am not sure about 1 Cor. 13 saying tongues have ceased. I know they will, and certainly it seems to me that since what goes on in most charismatic churches has nothing to do with Biblical tongues, perhaps there are some rare exceptions, where are real language is spoken, and someone gets saved. But for the majority, my experience is that tongues have ceased, regardless of testimonies and anecdotal incidents.
Told you, I would be in trouble. The conservatives all hate me for mentioning an incident that probably was real tongues, but the Pentecostals/charismatics all hate me because I do not believe their "prayer language" nor all the useless babbling is biblical. It's something I am not dogmatic on, yet, at least! I would love to read a book by Gordon Fee showing me how tongues are today, but then again, I still might not agree!
Finally, I wish this issue was not so divisive. I know the Oneness Pentecostals are in part responsible for this, with their nonsense about if you don't speak in tongues, you are not saved. I just don't find that anywhere in my Bible, but I sure do find tongues being left behind by the epistles from Galatians through Revelation. Surely if it was that important, it would be mentioned again in some of those books? (excluding 1 Cor, mainly). And even 1 Cor is about big problems in the church, not something to get happy about!
Again, sanctification or discipleship and spiritual formation is what the NT is about, and I honestly believe tongues inhibit people from growing, cause they get stuck on it, instead of digging deeper into the path God wants us to go. If people read the Bible over yearly, they would probably let go of tongues as the be all and end all, just like God was able to show me simply by reading 3 chapters of the OT and 1 of the NT daily. The church has fallen down in the importance of spiritual disciplines, which the gifts are not. Spiritual disciplines are woven through the entire NT in every page. So, again, why do people get stuck on a phenomena that is so minor and secondary? Languages announced the birth of the church. The Holy Spirit came down with power. And if speaking in tongues is so important, why don't people have flames of fire over their heads when they speak in tongues like Acts 2 says?
I was a Pentecostal for 15 years, after God saved me, and I did something I thought was "speaking in tongues." But, I also read the Bible daily during those 15 years. I finally realized that what I was hearing in church, was not what I was reading in my bible. Of course, there are tongues in the Bible, I won't deny that. But to emphasize it every single church service, when the Bible is so deep and rich, and so much was just missing. It was like 15 years of Acts 2 and copy cat babbling in tongues.
I finally left, and went to a non-tongues talking church, with a pastor who preached the whole Bible. What a joy! I began to realize what I had been doing was not Biblical tongues, and neither was all the random babble, as you say, Blain.
However, we had a friend who was a tongues speaking evangelist. (He's not a friend anymore, since he stayed with us a while, and we found out he was hanging out in bars and casinos and gambling, drinking and sleeping with women, on the days he wasn't preaching (?).) But he did have one incident he talked about, before he backslid, while he was giving his testimony at a men's meeting. He said 4 words in an unknown tongue. Now, this man was from Fiji. He spoke English, Fijian and Hindi. At the end of the meeting, a man ran up from the back, and said, "Why didn't you tell me you spoke Armenian (the country)?" Of course, he told him he did not. The man held up a napkin, and he had written down the 4 words this evangelist said. In Armenian, these words were "Jesus Christ is Lord." He led the man to the Lord. Then over the next months, the man introduced his whole family to this evangelist, and 27 people were saved.
So, that sounds like true Biblical tongues. Something in a real language, which leads many people to Christ, that must be what Biblical tongues are about. HOWEVER, his incredible backsliding, years after this, also have me very confused. I guess the gifts of God are without repentance. But surely God knew this man would bring disrepute to the gospel? Or was this just God's timing for this family to be saved, and nothing to do with the evangelist?
I believe God is sovereign, and totally in control, so, God must have arranged this. And I have heard rumours of similar things. But very rarely. I also am not sure about 1 Cor. 13 saying tongues have ceased. I know they will, and certainly it seems to me that since what goes on in most charismatic churches has nothing to do with Biblical tongues, perhaps there are some rare exceptions, where are real language is spoken, and someone gets saved. But for the majority, my experience is that tongues have ceased, regardless of testimonies and anecdotal incidents.
Told you, I would be in trouble. The conservatives all hate me for mentioning an incident that probably was real tongues, but the Pentecostals/charismatics all hate me because I do not believe their "prayer language" nor all the useless babbling is biblical. It's something I am not dogmatic on, yet, at least! I would love to read a book by Gordon Fee showing me how tongues are today, but then again, I still might not agree!
Finally, I wish this issue was not so divisive. I know the Oneness Pentecostals are in part responsible for this, with their nonsense about if you don't speak in tongues, you are not saved. I just don't find that anywhere in my Bible, but I sure do find tongues being left behind by the epistles from Galatians through Revelation. Surely if it was that important, it would be mentioned again in some of those books? (excluding 1 Cor, mainly). And even 1 Cor is about big problems in the church, not something to get happy about!
Again, sanctification or discipleship and spiritual formation is what the NT is about, and I honestly believe tongues inhibit people from growing, cause they get stuck on it, instead of digging deeper into the path God wants us to go. If people read the Bible over yearly, they would probably let go of tongues as the be all and end all, just like God was able to show me simply by reading 3 chapters of the OT and 1 of the NT daily. The church has fallen down in the importance of spiritual disciplines, which the gifts are not. Spiritual disciplines are woven through the entire NT in every page. So, again, why do people get stuck on a phenomena that is so minor and secondary? Languages announced the birth of the church. The Holy Spirit came down with power. And if speaking in tongues is so important, why don't people have flames of fire over their heads when they speak in tongues like Acts 2 says?
As to your views on speaking in tongues. I respect your views because they are well thought out and formed from a sincere desire to be faithful to the exegesis of the scripture. I do not detect intellectual dishonesty. Some are willing to wrangle scriptures to fit their own hate and prejudice toward those they think are weird for operating in the gifts of the Spirit. Your attitude is the correct one, seeking and desiring to know authorial intent and correct interpretation not willing to fall for emotional hype but not willing to reject supernatural gifts of the Spirit if they are still available as they were in the book of Acts. Not trying to change what they meant in the first century to fit something other than what they really were because you are uncomfortable with the concept of looking weird in the eyes of others if you were to operate in the gifts of the Spirit in church. It is this fear of looking wierd that I believe is often the motivation behind many cessationists and not because they believe 1 Cor 13 actually refers to the completion of canon. As I have said before in these forums I believe we are responsible for walking in the light that we have been given and no one should be pressured to change their mind until they are convinced they have discovered the correct hermeneutic for themselves.
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