What was revealed to me concerning this...Rev 11: 3.
yes the dragon is the devil.....the woman is the Christian church...(the scarlet woman is the mother church-i'll let you's search that out)
the children are US who believe in GOD....the devil waits to devour the child (Jesus).
the 1260 days...just so happens to be the length of time the dark ages lasted in years (study the dark ages what, when & why)
the sack-cloth is the state that the people are in at that time, a state that the two witnesses must continue to prophesy (speak of GOD) in.
in 538 as...the Catholic church (Pope) had all Bibles removed from the public so the WORD was only shared by its priests,
the only Bibles left were the ones held by the priests, and only in Latin so only they could read it.... in 1798 the 1260 years came to an end....(also inflicting the wound on the little horn, or anti-Christ)
Don't take my word for it.....look into our history
happy searching my brother's and sisters